Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Pregnancy Update!
We are trying to get ourselves prepared here at the house for the new addition. We cleaned out the spare/junk room (we still have the closet to clear out, but we'll do that when we get out shed) and Scott spent a night painting the room. Scott seems to think it looks like an Easter Egg. We have lavendar on the bottom 3rd and a white with a tint of green on the top 2/3rds. Scott still needs to put in a chair rail and then I will probably do a border or stencil some yellow flowers on the wall. It is a work in progress and I'll post some pics when the job is complete.
As for a name, can't say we have on yet. We (I mean me) are torn between Olivia Joy or Emma Joy. Scott thinks she'll be called Olive Oil if we call her Olivia and if we call her Emma we have another kid with an E name and that wasn't our intention. I just can't decide.
I'm hoping to hang in there until I reach 39 weeks, that is when my dr. can induce me. I hope it works out because I don't want Scott to be out of town for the delivery.
So besides the aches, pains, tiredness, and getting big... I can't complain.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Gotta Wear Shades!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Music to my Ears!
~"Mommy, where are you? (or Daddy, hammer, football, etc.)"
~"Hi, Mommy" (or daddy)
~"Hey Scott, more juice" (or milk)
~"EEee's turn. Mama's turn" (EEee is how he says his name)
~"Dada, go sit in chair"
~"EEee has tools too" (or any other item he sees us working with that he also has a toy of or also has)
~"EEee have waffle. Mama have cereal."
~"Little sister's bed. EEee's bed" (as he runs to his room and points to his bed)
~"Super Why, letters. Clifford Big Red Dog" (his favorite shows he watches in the morning)
~"Oh, gosh!" (Scott taught him this one)
~"Jeeze!" (That would be my fault)
~"That's real good."
~"That's real yucky."
~"Just right."
~My new favorite is... Scott asks Ethan, "who's your favorite" Ethan replies, "Dada, mama, EEee, baby sister."
Ethan favorite words these days is "NO"... Everything is no. Though, sometimes he actually says yes. The other day I was trying to get him to stay off the plants outside and I said "no, no, no!" A little bit later I hear Ethan repeat "no, no, no step on plants!" He is repeating a lot of what we say.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter Weekend!
Ethan had his eye on a bag of candy in the flower pot, but we wasn't sure about getting it. He remembers he can't step in the plants. What a good boy, tries to follow the rules.
What a cutie!
We did our own Easter Egg Hunt in our backyard. I know, he really doesn't need all those eggs.
Later that evening we had a yummy dinner and another hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Newmans. Ethan came away with a ton of candy and some fun activities and clothes.
From the Easter Bunny, Ethan got a T-Ball set. It was very funny watching him take the bat, holding it on the wrong end (the hitting end) and hitting the ball off the stand. He refused to let me or Scott show or help him. I think he was tired and needed a nap. He woke up and we tried again with much more success!
Here is a very short video of Ethan hitting the ball with the wrong end of the bat.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Travelin' Man Update
Herndon, Virginia (2)
New York City
Dallas, Tx
Boston, Mass.
Schaumburg, IL
Toronto, Canada
Scott is definately a world traveler... He is being sent to more international places over the next month. At least the skymiles are nice.