Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2 Months

Emma is now 2 months... How time flies! She just had her 2 month check up. Here is how she measured up....

23 Inches long... 65%
11 lb. 2 oz... 48%
OFC (head) 15.5"... 58%

Our little Emma is growing and developing. She is starting to show us her smile more and more, she coos, and she holds her head up pretty good.

Some of her favorite things to do is sleep (of course), loves to eat, get on the floor and kick and smiling at her favorite people...

We finally got her pics taken last week.

Isn't she just adorable?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Summertime Blues

I can't believe there is talk of kids going back to school! I can't believe that September is almost here! I can't believe that the days are getting shorter and the nights longer! What happened to summer? I feel like I haven't had much of a summer this year. I've spent most of my summer indoors caring for a newborn and watching a tornado, named Ethan, tear up the house. Next year I hope to have a wonderful summer and here is list of some things that I missed out this year, but will do next year (I hope).

  • Go Camping
  • Go to a swimming park/pool
  • Get a nice sunburn (I know that can't be good, but it's evidence of being outside and enjoying summer).
  • Go to the mountains
  • Go on vacation
  • Go farther than 45 minutes from my house.
  • Work in the yard. (I actually like doing this believe it or not)
  • Stay up past 10

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The New Camera!

I finally caved! Scott bought himself a new digital camera. I have to say, it was worth the money. These photos are amazing quality and I hope this gets Scott back into taking more pictures. Most of these pics are from our trip to Red Butte Gardens from last Saturday. Afterall, Scott had to go play with his new toy!

I'm putting my favorite first... Doesn't that smile just melt your heart!

Of course there is always my little bubba... He was naughty and wanted to climb on all the rocks. It wasn't until after that I saw the sign, "no climbing on the rocks." Oops!
She is lovin' her tongue these days.

Love this one!

I actually don't look too bad... I can actually see the color of my eyes.

More from Red Butte.

If you look close enough, you can see Scott's reflection in Ethan's sunglasses.

This isn't from Red Butte, but I like it anyways. She was taking a snooze while Ethan swam in his pool.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Potty Training

We are trying to get Ethan potty trained. He'll be 3 in about 5 weeks and I'm hoping to have some kind success by then. At the moment, I'm having no luck. Ethan is willingly getting on the potty and "trying" to go potty. But recently he will sit on the potty and get in the bathtub and then do his business. We were thinking he just doesn't know what we mean, but tonight I now know that he does know what it feels like to go potty... here is how it played out...

Ethan tries the potty as usual... He, unclothed... including no diaper, gets up from the potty and walks to the nursery door way and says, "go potty right here" as he starts to go... Scott comes running with a diaper to catch most of it.

Little stinker is playin' us...