Christmas was a blast this year. Having kids definitely makes the holidays more fun. Ethan was really into everything this year. Decorating the Christmas tree, making cookies, seeing Santa, shopping, wrapping, setting out cookies and milk for Santa, Christmas music... did I miss anything... oh, of course "Santa coming to town."
On Christmas Eve we have a big dinner and program where we talked about Jesus' birth. This is Grandpa Riddle attempting to read a story about the Nativity.
Each year my mom does a picture project of the grandkids.... This year she made a video. Here are some of the kids watching some of the DVD. Ethan loved pointing out all his cousins and of course, himself.

What is Christmas Eve without opening up Christmas PJs?... So cute!


This was Ethan's present to Emma. He couldn't wait to give this to her. This was the first present to be unwrapped on Christmas morning.

All season we've been trying to get Ethan to tell us what he wanted Santa to bring him... he wouldn't say anything but presents and toys. Finally as Christmas was approaching he started saying he wanted ... "A train, a boat and puzzles" Here he got a train from daddy.

Emma trying out her new toy. Thanks daddy!

When we asked Ethan to pose in front of the camera he always put the item in front of his face. Thanks, Grandma Caldwell!

This is how Emma spent most of the morning and day.... ASLEEP! Poor little girl got sick and wasn't feeling too well and wanted to sleep for most of the day. That's ok... Ethan enjoyed unwrapping all her presents along with his own presents and his parents presents too.
He was so funny after each present he would say, "Should I get another present?" We had to hurry to find out who it was for before he would unwrap it. He had more presents at his other grandparents homes too. Stay tuned for more Christmas fun!