Ethan loves to "play cars." That is, he loves to watch either Scott or I play MarioKart on the Wii. He takes one of the steering wheels and pretends he is driving. He has to have the character Baby Mario. He requests the game almost daily, more if he can get away with it. He is starting to repeat the characters' sayings and sound effects from the game. After each race he always asks for "one more" and gets sad when one more is really the last one and the game has to be turned off. I hate to say, we are starting to use MarioKart as a bribe to get him to eat his meals, to clean up or take his naps. For the most part it works and gets him moving. I think if Ethan had his way he would play cars 24/7... Thank goodness he is only 2 and doesn't always gets his way...
Visit from Nana and McKayla
9 years ago
Kyle LOVES this game but unfortunately we don't own a Wii. If it works as a bribe maybe we'll get one sooner than later though.