Life got a lot more interesting this week. My sweet baby girl, Emma Joy, made an early arrival early Tuesday morning at 2:08 am... She was 3 weeks early! She weighed in at 6 lb. 11 oz. and 20.5 inches long. Almost the same as her big brother, Ethan.
Proud daddy!
Grandpa Riddle... Grandbaby #7
Grandma Riddle
Emma's story...
The Thursday before, I started feeling contractions, which I thought were just those pesky braxton hicks. The contractions were irregular so I kept on my merry way. Especially since Scott was still in California and I didn't want to do this without him. Friday evening, those contractions came back with intensity, still irregular. I thought I would sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning. The weekend wasn't too bad, just very uncomfortable with minor contractions off and on. Monday morning I had my weekly dr.'s appointment. I was told I was dilated to a 2 and the baby has dropped. I was pretty much told that I will be having this baby within the week and if I continue to have these contractions that I needed to go straight to the hospital.
So you guessed it, I had those contractions all Monday and finally in the evening I told Scott that I think we need to go to the hospital. If anything, to get checked to see if I progressed at all. After waiting around for a couple of hours the dr. decided to keep me there and deliver the baby that night.
We went in about 6:30 ish and by 2:00ish we had our little girl with about 20 minutes of pushing. We definitely didn't plan this and it was a surprise that I had her this early. We weren't expecting her until the 29th. But I have to say, I'm so glad she is here and is part of our family. I forgot what it was like to have a newborn at home, but we are adjusting. The nights are the worse, but I am blessed to have Scott home to help so I can get the rest I need during the day.
Those who stayed up late to see our little girl make her first appearance... and... her hospital stay!
Mommy and her precious little girl!

Ethan finally meets Emma... Not too sure about this arrangement!
But she does love her new blankie!
Geez, took you long enough to post. It's not like you just had a baby or anything...oh wait. He He, just teasing. She is just so so adorable. Can't wait to meet her.