- Staying up past midnight almost done me in.
- Wrinkles around the eyes.
- Grey hair... Yes, I do have quite a bit, I just know how to cover them up.
- 14 years since high school... YIKES!
- I wear sunglasses to cover the makeupless face and bags from lack of sleep when going to the park.
- I put my kids and family first.
- I have no clue what music is out there. All I listen to these days are kids songs and sports radio (Scott).
- I will never be thin and petite again... Just short and stubby... but my kids are worth every stretch mark!
- A night out is to dinner and home by 8 to get the kids in bed!
Seriously, I had a wonderful birthday. I think back 10 years ago and I feel like I'm a completely different person in some ways, but the same Melissa in others. I hope I've grown mentally and spiritually... and become a bit more wiser at my ancient age. I love who I've become and the direction my life took and where it is heading. 32 isn't old, it's just a number (a number that is creeping closer and closer to 40..)!
Thanks to Scott, I now am writing on my new computer notebook that I got for my birthday. I was spoiled. I've spent the last 2 birthdays on my own with Ethan because Scott was away on business. This year he was home and we celebrated by going to see The Killers. It was a fun concert. It has been over 5 years since I've been to a concert. I forgot how long they were. I feel bad for my parents, they had to watch the kids and we didn't get there to pick them up until midnight. I also couldn't believe how loud it was... I walked out and my ears were ringing and I felt like I had to yell to talk with Scott. Then we had to wait for almost an hour to get out of the stinking parking lot. It was so much fun to be out and about again and being with my sweet hubby. Thanks Scott for making my birthday special!
Me with my sweet little girl!
Me being silly... pretty typical of me...

Eyes of wisdom... yeah, whatever!
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