This past weekend the Riddles got together to have an old fashion Halloween party. Now I know what you are thinking, Halloween was over a week ago. Yes, we had a belated Halloween party because Nathan and his family were coming down and we wanted to include them. As a child, I remember having a Halloween party with my family for FHE or something like that and now that the grandkids are getting a little older we started up this old tradition once again. It was a blast... we had dinner - THANKS MOM!, Played - Catch the donut on a string - and - Pin the nose on the pumpkin. The kids had so much fun. Most of all it was great getting together and being a family. Scott took some amazing pics from that night and I wish I could post them all, but here are some just to get an idea of the chaos!

The kids dressed up and became part of a photo shoot! Here's my little ladybug!

The kids enjoyed watching each other and their parents making a fool of themselves!

Ethan tagged that nose right where it belongs... I wonder if he was peeking???
Yes, that is me... Playing the donut game with extra gooey donuts... I had glaze all over my face and hair, but it was tons of fun!
Ethan trying his luck... The object of the game was to catch the donut without using your hands. It is harder than it looks... especially when you are blindfolded.
Lydia just got her tonsils out a couple of days before this pic...

I loved Austin's bat costume! Ethan loved playing with Austin! I wish they lived a little closer than Rock Springs!

This picture is just priceless of my sweet little Emma!

Skyler... need I say more?

Not sure what is up with Uncle Nay... But it was good to see them again!