Halloween was so much fun this year. Ethan dressed up as Buzz Lightyear and Emma was a little lady bug. Yes, I just picked these up at Walmart. Not very creative this year and if I asked Ethan what he wanted to be for Halloween I wouldn't have much luck. So maybe next year I will be the domestic one and make a costume instead of buying one... Well, we'll see!

Scott had to take three planes to get home in time to take Ethan trick or treating! But if you ask him, he'll say it was worth it. Ethan loved having his daddy home!
Ethan with his pumpkin bucket! I think he did pretty good!

Buzz and Ladybug

I think she was adorable... Scott took her to the neighbors to show her off and Alicia brought her home. Next year it will be a lot of fun taking her around with Ethan.

My little ladybug!

"Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!"

Alicia and Russ brought Melina up to go trick or treating with Ethan! From what I understand, Ethan was leaving her in the dust as he ran from house to house. Next year I think I will be tagging along with the kids instead of staying home!
Wamart costumes or not, your kids look great!