The zoo was so much fun. We were able to see animals that never seen before, but in a book. This wasn't my first time at the zoo, but I forgot how BIG it was.
Our first animal we wanted to see was the pandas. We picked a great week because they just introduced the new baby. So here we are trying to find our way to the pandas... I think we walked most of the zoo, without seeing much, just to get there.

Ethan is my little monkey... Still on our way to the pandas...

Finally! This the baby. So very cute!

I know what you are thinking... why do I have a picture of the pandas behinds... What I like about this picture was the little baby following the mama. It was just too cute!

By the time we walked through the rainforest area and being rained on we decided that there would be no other way to see the rest of the zoo, but to use the bus. Ethan was excited to see the elephants.

And of course the lioness...
Do you remember OUR trip to SD Zoo???