Emma is now 9 months old! Wow! It is amazing how fast time flies! Emma went to the doctor this morning and here are her measurements...
Height: 29 inches (91%)
Weight: 18 lb. 3 oz. (39%)
OFC: 17.5 inches (65%)
I can't believe how long she is... no wonder all her clothes looked liked she was wearing floods... Her weight is a little down, but it probably because she has started to move and get around, using up more energy.
Emma is on the move... crawling? Not yet! Though she is very close, it won't be long. She discovered that rolling gets her places. Before she would just roll back and forth, but these past couple of weeks she took off and we are starting to find her under tables, opening dresser drawers and getting into Ethan's things. She doesn't know how to go the other way, so when she gets to the end of the road... she starts screaming in frustration that she can't go any farther. She does creep a little bit and is able to move herself in a circle on her tummy...
Some other things Emma is starting to do....
- Feeds herself... LOVES bread! She gobbles it down... Her favorite food right now is peaches; she can't get enough of them!
- Claps hands...
- Play Peek a Boo... She is funny... she'll take the blanket and cover her face and we say, "where's Emma?" and she'll undercover herself... She also learned to lift up the bumper in her crib and plays that way too.
- Bangs toys together... She loves noise and more noise the better!
- Say Da Da... I swear I've heard her say Ma Ma... But she says da da more often in a high pitch squeal!
- Drinks from a sippy cup... YES!
Emma is starting to wear herself out and takes longer naps and sleep better at night, THANK GOODNESS! Though, I do still have to get up once or twice, at the most, with her. But she goes right back to sleep. Sleep is good!
Below are pics of our little princess taken these past 2 days...
LOVES Books! I'm starting to have her look at books at night before going to bed. She thinks it the greatest thing...
Yummy bread! She has been able to feed herself 2 months ago... Surprised me since Ethan took so long to do this.
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