- Emma's sleeping has improved! Most nights she sleeps through the night, unless, she is teething! Emma, 5:30 is TOO early to wake up for the day... She usually goes back to sleep, but has to be with me! URG!
- Emma's new words are... "nana (banana), dye (bye), baba (baby), cacker (cracker), ah oh and boo" there are probably more, but I can't remember them!
- Emma is starting to run... YIKES!
- Emma is starting to give me cues when she needs to be changed... early potty training??? I think that is wishful thinking!
- Ethan is able to count and recognize numbers to 100! I have to say, I'm impressed!
- We had preschool at our house last week and Ethan LOVED it!
- Scott just got home from another trip to Virginia! I think he's been there at least 10 times this year! Now he's home for Thanksgiving!
- We are preparing our HUGE bedroom closet for a closet organizer which includes shelves and a work table! STORAGE! We are having the same people who did our kitchen cabinets do our closet organizer. I'm super excited and will post pictures when done!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Newman's Review...
Emma's Blankies
Meet Billow
Meet Billow... This is Ethan's "baby"... Baby was what he was called until daddy asked Ethan what his name is and Ethan came up with Billow! Get it, Pillow with a B! Ethan got Baby when he was born from Grandma Newman and ever since he's been one, Baby has been his sleeping buddy! Recently we've notice Baby was becoming more "real"... Ethan is starting to talk with Baby... "I'll be right back, I have to go to preschool..." or "I'm home now!"
I've caught Billow propped up on pillows "watching TV" ... Ethan is starting to give Billow naps... He'll tuck him in and turn his music on. Last week we had preschool at our house and Ethan told his friends that they have to be quiet because Billow was taking a nap. It was a short nap for Billow because the kids were too loud! Ethan and Billow are inseparable... Billow had to go the "hospital" last month because Ethan vomited all over him and he had to be scrubbed down. I was very surprised that Ethan was able to sleep without him!
All tucked in and ready for a nap!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Family Pictures 2010
Happy Halloween!
On your mark... get set... go!
I put a flower Emma's costume so people will stop calling her "dude"...
Monday, November 1, 2010
Newman's Review...
- Last Sunday Emma somehow caught the dreaded "stomach bug"... Yep, you guessed it! Vomit! Emma has been sick A LOT, especially these past 2 months, but this is the first time she has puked! May I just say... EW! GROSS! Never had to deal with this before, not even with Ethan... it was disgusting! Thank goodness it passed quickly...
- Passed quickly to me! A couple of days later, I got it... I was up all night, sick! And, yes, I did puke too... I can't remember the last night I threw up because I was sick! I threw up after delivering Ethan and once while I was pregnant with Emma... But I never get sick to my stomach and up chuck everywhere! I can't believe it got me!
- Next it was Scott's turn... He was nausea, but no throwing up for him! Thank goodness!
- We thought we got off lucky and Ethan didn't get it... until... midnight, Thursday night... You guessed it... Ethan puked in his bed and again all over his floor... put him back to bed and it happened again in bed 30 mins later and 30 mins after that and after that and so on... I was so tired cleaning up puke I put him on the couch! And we were up ALL night long puking and watching TV!
- So now... I think we are done being sick, until Emma decides to find another germ to house!
Some good things did happen...
- Emma is making all sorts of animal sounds... cat, dog, monkey, duck... My favorite is her meow... On Sunday in the middle of Sacrament if you heard a meow, that would be my daughter! She is very convincing!
- Scott worked from home last week, YEAH! He is now in Atlanta, but with promise of next week completely off...
- Tooth #5 FINALLY broke through for Emma! 6 weeks! It's about time!
Here are some fun pics of the kidlets!