- Scott traveled A LOT this year! He did most of is travel within the United States mainly on the East Coast!
- Scott will be starting a new job on Jan. 4th... NO MORE TRAVEL!
- Scott started his own photography business... Scott Newman Photography!
- Loves his camera and loves buying new accessories for his baby!
- Scott continues to work in the primary in our church!
- Survived a major remodel to the kitchen and main floor of the house!
- Participates in a Co op preschool in the neighborhood! Teach every 6th week!
- Busy caring for 2 adorable sweet little devils... oops, I mean angels!
- Still working in the Young Women with Personal Progress!
- Turned 4 this year!
- Participating in a neighborhood preschool! He LOVES it!
- Took swimming lessons this summer... didn't like putting his face in the water!
- Loves to play games and tries to play hide and go seek with Emma.
- Loves Buzz Lightyear!
- Know all his letters and sounds and starting to read 3 letter words.
- Recognize numbers to 100!
- Emma is now 18 months old!
- She can now go to nursery, but doesn't mean she will :(
- Loves her big brother and tries to do everything that he does.
- She is all girl and loves jewelry, dolls, and being pretty!
- Emma has 10 teeth and 2 more (the bottom molars) on the way!
- Emma has been sick A LOT this year. RSV, Herpangina, pink eye, MANY colds and coughs, and stomach bugs!
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