Every year we try to make a trip to the Dallas, Texas area to visit Scott's mom and brother. We timed our visit with Jacob's blessing! We were only able to spend a long weekend and we weren't able to make it to Eastern Texas to visit Linda's house, but we at least were able to spend time with the Texas clan at Danny's house during our trip in Early April!
Below are a LOT of pictures... I just couldn't choose so I decided to include all of my favorites!

Danny, Amanda, Hannah, Rachel and Jacob...

Emma watching Hannah's soccer game!

Rachel was a little mother to Emma!

Hannah playing soccer!

Emma LOVES animals and there were a couple of dogs at the game and she couldn't resist and became quick friends with them!

Emma calls sunglasses "eye" she couldn't leave Ethan's sunglasses alone!

My little man! Gotta love him!
Later that day we went to the Fort Worth Zoo! It was a VERY HOT day... 90 degrees... We left 40 degree, snowy weather in Utah and came to Texas... HOT! But we loved it....

I think we did a good job wearing the kids out!

Hannah riding the
Merry go round...



Scott did a mini photo shoot of the kidlets... They turned out so cute!

One of my favorites!

Another favorite!

So sweet!

Personally, I don't like me in this shot... but everyone else looks great!

The reason we came.... Jacob Daniel Newman...

Grandma and Grandpa Caldwell holding Jacob...

Grandma and Grandpa Newman also made the trip down!

My kidlets with their Grandma Caldwell
It was a good trip and I'm glad we were able to make it. Ethan LOVED playing with his cousins and getting to know them better! I just wish we can visit more!