So I'm calling this post Soccer 101... an introduction to soccer... This is my first time being a soccer mom and Ethan's first time playing any type of sport. From all the moms I've talked too they tell me soccer for preschool age kids is comical... they sit and pick grass... or cry and want mommy ... or they lay down and look at the clouds... So I had to wonder which one would Ethan fall into??? We walked into his first game with hope that he would have fun and learn to play some soccer. I will have to admit, Scott and I think Ethan has some athletic abilities, and he always seemed to love balls of all kinds... I decided to start him with soccer because he can run and kick pretty good, especially for a little guy... So here we go!
The first game... a little practice before the game starts!

So now the game is to ready begin! Ethan gets to kick off first and off he runs kicking the ball and "GOAL" scores the first goal of the game!
Then the fun begins... The kids stopped standing around and started playing and "took the ball away" from Ethan and this is what happened.....
I wasn't prepared for this at all. I never expected him to have a problem with the competition part of the game. We told him the basic rules of soccer and expected him to do great. From a lot of moms I've talked to, their kids had the same problem... Ethan is doing better, but still cries for part of the game. It is frustrating, but we keep doing it and hope that Ethan will calm down enough to enjoy himself. We have 3 weeks left and I hope by the last game there won't be any tears.
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