Emma is now 7 months old. She is getting so big and starting to do so much. She sits by herself without much support. She does fall every so often and she definitely let us hear about it. She loves her toys. She always has to have something to play with or who knows what she'll find.
I left for a few moments and I came back to this. Emma has quite the reach. If it is remotely near her, she'll get it. I'm just glad that she didn't hurt herself.
Sleep at our house hasn't improved much. I put Emma down about 8:00, but I am up with her again at least once or twice during the night. Sometimes she is up for a good hour or 2 before she goes back to sleep. I've tried having her cry it out and that hasn't worked too well. She usually wakes up again within the next hour. Last night she woke up at about 1:30ish and finally went back to sleep around 3:00ish and up again at 4:00. I've been hoping and praying each night that she'll sleep better. She has to sleep through the night soon, right?
Here is video of Emma. She wanted my camera and had it's cord. I was trying to get her to say "da da," but didn't have much luck. When she does say da da... she says it in this high pitch squeal. So cute!
Here is video of Emma. She wanted my camera and had it's cord. I was trying to get her to say "da da," but didn't have much luck. When she does say da da... she says it in this high pitch squeal. So cute!
- She loves to clap her hands, especially when she is sad. It is weird, but true.
- Emma isn't crawling yet, or really mobile yet. Though I'm sure that will change soon.
- She won't take the bottle so I won't be weaning Emma anytime soon. I almost have her drinking from a cup!
- And, yes, she is very attached to mommy!
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