Our original plan was to replace the kitchen, floors and enclose the living room... but... one glorious evening I'm walking from the kitchen into the pantry/laundry room and discovered the floor a bit unlevel... Ok... no biggie right? I took a closer look and I realized it wasn't just a little bump... it went from the doorway, in front of the cabinets and into the laundry room... So... I pulled up the corner of the vinyl and yep, it was wet...
We have water damage... Where is it coming from? My only guess was the washing machine... Scott called neighbor after neighbor to come and help me move the beast, but no one was home... finally, someone called back and came and took a look... He couldn't find much, but then my fabulous go to guy, Chris, came with his buddy and found the culprit! Yes, it was the washing machine. Not the machine itself, but the Y connector that hooked up the water to the washing machine and dryer. Wow! We got these machines installed the day after Thanksgiving... you mean there has been a slow leak since???
Now... we have to deal with insurance companies and mainly, what is RC Willey going to do about this... Afterall, it was their installers who installed these machines... You guessed it, they are calling it a manufactures problem and won't be helping us fix the problem. We decided to go through our homeowner's insurance and hopefully, they'll go after RC Willey. Most important thing right now is we are in the process of getting the problem fixed and right before we started our big remodeling project. I have to say the timing was impeccable!
Visit from Nana and McKayla
9 years ago
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