All About Ethan:
- Loves dinosaurs!
- Toy Story! Especially Buzz!
- Loves reading books and starting to read 3 letter words on his own with sounding out!
- Goes to preschool and much rather go to preschool than Disneyland!
- Loves to run and play... He is athletic and can kick or throw a ball like a champ! I can't wait to get him into something sporty.... Soon!
- Loves his little sister and is teaching her all kinds of bad things :)
- Ethan has always been shy and sensitive. He doesn't talk much around adults. Even grandma and grandpa doesn't get much out of him.
- His favorite song varies, but loves "I'm a Child of God" and the alphabet song.
- Loves to play PBS on the computer... he'll play all day if I would let him.
- His favorite show is still Curious George, but also loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Hanny Manny.
- I give Ethan a big hug and tell him I love you and he returns the hug and tells me I love you too, mommy.... melts my heart!
We've been so lucky to have Ethan has our son. Each day he surprises us with something new. It's fun watching Ethan grow up and become more independent. I wonder what is next for our little man...??? Only time will tell!

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