Our last day! We are off the ship and spending the day in Barcelona, Spain before heading home the next morning. We REALLY wanted to go home at this point. We were both very exhausted and ready to get back to the kids and back to our home. Oh, well... We can't complain... we got to see Barcelona! I really didn't know much about Barcelona but they hosted the Olympics awhile back. I still don't know or remember much about the city. I do remember I liked it there and wish we had more time.

The view...

We took a Hop on and Hop off tour of the city... It was probably the best way to see the city!

Some sites we saw on our tour.

Very interesting architecture.

Ramblas... A main street for shopping... The city was pretty much dead for a Sunday afternoon until we got to this point.


Gothic Cathedral... Very different from what we've seen in Italy and Monte Carlo.
Feed the bird... we could buy food and feed the bird... nay, not today!

Sangrada Familia... Already been in construction over 100 years and will be lucky if it is finished within 30 to 40 years. Architect Antoni Gaudi...

We decided to ditch the bus and walk back to our shuttle stop... It was a LONG walk :) but we got to enjoy the quietness of Barcelona. I really liked how pedestrian friendly the roads were... They had divided roadways with a pedestrian walk lined with trees in the middle. It was beautiful.

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