To celebrate Emma's birthday we headed to the zoo... Emma loves animals and thought it would be a good place to go. I think she had a good time...

I think I was trying to show Emma the tigers...

I love that Ethan is totally into maps. Here he is studying our location and where we are headed next!

Always likes to be carried!

Classic picture! Couldn't talk Emma into hopping on for the picture!

Love my kiddos! Ethan skinned his knee within 2 minutes of entering the park. Go figure!

EEK! This is totally my least favorite place of the zoo... Reptile and small animals house!

Looking at the elephants!

Always has her juice close by!

The kids don't even weigh enough as a baby elephant... I think that is good thing.

I love this picture of my kids... standing together looking out, looking at the animals.

Ethan and his silly faces... :)

I think Emma was just about done at the time, along with daddy!

Measuring up!

Ethan really enjoyed the dinosaurs. Most of them he liked from a distance, especially the T-Rex.

Finally, the Merry-go-Round.... Here I was trying to keep Emma from bolting... She wasn't enjoying the ride much...
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